Sample Question Paper Computer Science (083) Class: XII

Class: XII Session: 2020–21
Computer Science (083)
Sample Question Paper (Theory)
Maximum Marks: 70 Time
Allowed: 3 hours
General Instructions:
1. This question paper contains two parts A and B. Each part is compulsory.
2. Both Part A and Part B have choices.
3. Part-A has 2 sections:
a. Section — I is short answer questions, to be answered in one word or one line.
b. Section — II has two case studies questions. Each case study has 4 case-based sub parts. An examinee is to attempt any 4 out of the 5 subparts.
4. Part — B is Descriptive Paper.
5. Part- B has three sections
a. Section-I is short answer questions of 2 marks each in which two question have internal options.
b. Section-II is long answer questions of 3 marks each in which two questions have internal options.
c. Section-III is very long answer questions of 5 marks each in which one question has internal option.
6. All programming questions are to be answered using Python Language only
Select the most appropriate option out of the options given for each question. Attempt any 15 questions from question no 1 to 21.
- Find the invalid identifier from the following(1Mark)
a) MyName b) True c) 2ndName d) My_Name
Ans. b) True
2. Given the lists L=[1,3,6,82,5,7,11,92] , write the output of print(L[2:5])(1Mark)
Ans. [6,82,5]
3. Write the full form of CSV.(1Mark)
Ans. Comma Separated Value
4. Identify the valid arithmetic operator in Python from the following.(1Mark)
a) ? b) < c) ** d) and
Ans. c) **
5. Suppose a tuple T is declared as T = (10, 12, 43, 39), which of the following is incorrect?(1Mark)
a) print(T[1])
b) T[2] = -29
c) print(max(T))
d) print(len(T))
Ans. b) T[2]= -29 (as tuple is immutable)
6. Write a statement in Python to declare a dictionary whose keys are 1, 2, 3 and values are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday respectively.(1Mark)
Ans. Day={1:’monday’,2:’tuesday’,3:’wednesday’}
7. A tuple is declared as(1Mark)
T = (2,5,6,9,8)
What will be the value of sum(T)?
Ans. 30
8. Name the built-in mathematical function / method that is used to return an absolute value of a number.(1Mark)
Ans. abs()
9. Name the protocol that is used to send emails.(1Mark)
10. Your friend Ranjana complaints that somebody has created a fake profile on Facebook and defaming her character with abusive comments and pictures. Identify the type of cybercrime for these situations.(1Mark)
Ans. Cyber Stalking
11. In SQL, name the clause that is used to display the tuples in ascending order of an attribute.(1Mark)
12. In SQL, what is the use of IS NULL operator?(1Mark)
Ans. To check if the column has null value / no value
13. Write any one aggregate function used in SQL.(1Mark)
14. Which of the following is a DDL command?(1Mark)
Ans. b) ALTER
15. Name The transmission media best suitable for connecting to hilly areas.(1Mark)
Ans. Microwave / Radio wave
16. Identify the valid declaration of L:(1Mark)
L = [‘Mon’, ‘23’, ‘hello’, ’60.5’]
a. dictionary b. string c.tuple d. list
Ans. d. List
17. If the following code is executed, what will be the output of the following code?(1Mark)
Ans. puterSc
18. In SQL, write the query to display the list of tables stored in a database.(1Mark)
19. Write the expanded form of Wi-Fi.(1Mark)
Ans. Wireless Fidelity
20. Which of the following types of table constraints will prevent the entry of duplicate rows? (1Mark)
a) Unique
b) Distinct
c) Primary Key
Ans. c)Primary Key
21. Rearrange the following terms in increasing order of data transfer rates. Gbps, Mbps, Tbps, Kbps, bps (1Mark)
Ans. Bps, Kbps, Mbps, Gbps, Tbps
Both the Case study based questions are compulsory. Attempt any 4 sub parts from each question. Each question carries 1 mark
22. A departmental store MyStore is considering to maintain their inventory using SQL to store the data. As a database administer, Abhay has decided that :
• Name of the database — mystore
• Name of the table — STORE
• The attributes of STORE are as follows:
ItemNo — numeric
ItemName — character of size 20
Scode — numeric
Quantity — numeric

(a) Identify the attribute best suitable to be declared as a primary key,
Ans. (a) ItemNo
(b) Write the degree and cardinality of the table STORE.
Ans. (b) Degree = 4 Cardinality = 7
(c) Insert the following data into the attributes ItemNo, ItemName and SCode respectively in the given table STORE.
ItemNo = 2010, ItemName = “Note Book” and Scode = 25
Ans. INSERT INTO store (ItemNo,ItemName,Scode) VALUES(2010, “Note Book”,25); (d) DROP TABLE store;
(d) Abhay want to remove the table STORE from the database MyStore. Which command will he use from the following:
a) DELETE FROM store;
b) DROP TABLE store;
c) DROP DATABASE mystore;
d) DELETE store FROM mystore;
Ans. (e) Describe Store;